Ford End Road, Bedford

  • 4.71 hectare (11.65 acre) site comprising a former gas works, situated on the south side of Ford End Road.
  • Currently the site comprises a mixture of hardstanding areas, unmade ground and areas of overgrown vegetation.
  • Approximately 1.1 km (0.7 miles) west of Bedford town centre and 0.8 km (0.5 miles) southwest of Bedford Station.
  • Bedford benefits from direct trains to London St Pancras with a journey time of approximately 40 minutes.
  • The site is allocated for Development, under Policy 12 in Bedford Borough Council’s Local Plan (adopted January 2020).
  • The northern parcel has an expired outline planning permission for 154 dwellings and 9,000 sq ft of employment space (Ref:03/01660/OUT).
  • Best offers for the freehold interest are invited by 12 noon on 7th September 2022.

Further Information

An Information Pack containing the following information is available via the documents section of this website.

The information pack contains the following information:

  1. Legal and Title Information
  2. Environmental Reports*
  3. Deed of Easement and Easement Plan

*Please note that all Environmental reports will be redacted to only include factual information.


Accompanied site viewings will be conducted by the vendor’s sole agents, BNP Paribas Real Estate on selected dates.

Contact Agent

Felix Shepherd image

Felix Shepherd

Ella Harwood image

Ella Harwood
5 Aldermanbury Square, London, EC2V 7BP

07818 254079